Brand Matters: So much stuff but most of it isn’t any good

May 25, 2023

We live in a world of options and most of them suck. And worse, for companies trying to follow their passions and create terrific new products behind a gorgeous and holistic brand, we live in a time of overwhelming competition who often have bigger pocket books. It seems like there’s always a product that’s cheaper and just-good-enough that can get purchased faster and — in our digital world — a service that can be automated with a few keystrokes and clicks (whether these products and services really do what they say). And even more depressing is these inferior products and services are often highly visible in the market (again, bigger pocket books).

This may be disheartening to the passion-fueled, to the individuals and organizations whose calling it is to create something new and different with superior functionality that makes their customers lives better. Why bother if you’re just going to lose to the status quo? But the dreamers and innovators need not get too depressed, because there’s a handy little fact: This isn’t true.

Brand value can be as profitable a financial component of your overall company valuation as your products, services, operations and assets.

Sometimes even the most important component. Unique brands are more important and desired today than ever in this world of first-to-market even though, eh, not the best but good enough. That only lasts so long and corporate (and brand) innovation is needed to keep the game going, or it will eventually be lost to a better, more authentic, competitor. This is great news for the folks that want to build something new. But just because you’ve built the best new widget that trounces all other widgets does not, of course, mean anyone is going to buy it. The “anyone” doesn’t know you exist. And If they somehow do figure it out what guarantees do you have for that random discovery leading them to buy your widget instead of going with the same ole safe ole? The answer is brand.

How is this achieved?

By positioning early-stage and high-growth companies to be industry leading brands.

Create High-Value Brands

Develop a visual and message ethos that make a company’s value worth more than just its products and services. This helps forge long-lasting bonds with customers and builds perceived worth, reputation and financial value. Most of all, it’s the reason customers choose well-designed and thoughtful brands over their competitors.

Build Customer Loyalty

A great brand establishes an ongoing emotional relationship between you and your customer, manifesting itself by how willing your customer is to engage with and repeatedly purchase from you versus your competition.

Curate Positive Market Brand Perception

The brand and delivery systems an agency can create with their associative alliances and partnerships provides positive vibes with which customers want to interact.

Foster Influencer Relationships

It’s highly beneficial to identify and reach out to industry influencers in order to form collaborative relationships and institute paid and non-paid endorsement deals with people and organizations who advocate your brand.